Tuesday-Puppet/Drama Day6

Today we traveled back to the town of Hatvan to perform our puppet show in two locations. Above: Attendees of the Hatvan Care Center payed close attention to the Easter puppet show and this years new songs. The workers told us that our Christmas show was the talk of the Center for weeks. They also told us that they often watched the video from the Christmas show and listened to the CD that we gave as a gift. Praise God!

Above L: Heidi and Janka are sprayed with perfume by the young men (a cultural tradition at Easter). Above R: In between shows, grabbing some 'grub' at the "Glass Tiger Bufe" mmmmmm.

After our gourmet meal, we unpacked and set up for our second show in a pre-school in Hatvan. Above: The children really enjoy the part of the song where we sing, "On the third day He rose from the dead"–this is their que to leap into the air.

Heidi is no longer sick.
Allen's eye infection is nearly gone.
Up until this point, we have had no problems with technical issues when presenting our puppet or drama shows.
Sharon, who began having mild contractions on Sunday night is feeling well. The contractions stopped on Monday.

Below: Benjamin draws mom and "Kira" still in the womb.

Please keep us in your prayers as tomorrow is our last show in the public schools!
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